Topic 1 : Sustainable Development Goals.

Bismillahirrahmanirahim... Assalamualaikum! Hello! Konnichiwa! 😇👋 My name is Tengku Muhammad Harith from Section 31 and first year student of KOE IIUM. I'm here my first ever blog to tell all of you about one of my uni subject which is UNGS 1201. This subject is about The Sustainble Development : Issues, Principles and Practices. My lecturer of this subject is Asst. Prof 'Atiah Abdullah Sidek from Kulliyyah of Engineering. Reflection of SDG Sustainable Development is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“ and advocated integration of environmental considerations into all aspects of economic and development policy in order to meet this goal. From the meaning of SDG above we know that the main goal of Sustainable Development is to meet, find, explore the needs of today, without compromising the needs of tomorrow. I learned that SDG is impo...