
Topic 2 : Islam & Sustainable Development

  The concept of sustainable development in Islam can be defined as,   “ the balanced and simultaneous realization of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, attainment of social justice, and ecological balance in the framework of an evolutionary knowledge-based, socially interactive model defining the shuratic process ” (EcoMENA, 2019) Spiritually as A Fundamental of SDG This means the quality of being concerned with the human or soul as opposed to the material or physical things.  Spiritually are related to sustainable development and actually have deep truths by which we are advised to live and which have the ability to guide and motivate us of being responsible.   Being responsible for achieving the concept of sustainable development in Islam.  The concept of SD in Islam based on 3 pillars ; 1. Economics  Prohibit poverty as it's close to disbelief which is kufr. Based on sharing & caring in wealth distribution. 2. Environmental Manage the envi...

Topic 3 : Sejahtera & Role of University in SDG

  Sejahtera Concept Means peace, harmony and prosperity. Sejahtera is more associated with the practise of having a balanced well being or even co-existing with common shared values and prosperity. It is implied that the achievement of quality of life that is both sustainable as well as balanced is embodied in Sejahtera as a way of life. (By Dzulkifli Abdul Razak (2020): Essay on Sejahtera: Concept, Principle and Practise. IIUM Press.) In early 2000, the idea of Sejahtera first emerged and had been started with the changes of mindset in embracing the concept of sustainable development and Sejahtera through education. The concept of Sejahtera in education has become important to guide us on developing a balance and holistic human or societies in our life. Our Rector, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak has introduced Sejahtera to South Korea and Sejahtera concept has been apart there with the opening of Sejahtera center and Sejahtera forest as part of United Nations University Institute o...

Sejahtera Talk by Rector IIUM

  Sejahtera Talk By Rector IIUM Sejahtera What is Sejahtera all about? The word "Sejahtera" is the word that we almost heard everyday - "Salam Sejahtera" Sejahtera is not only about to live in balance way or Sejahtera life which most of people think to live peacefully. Sejahtera is a very meaningful concept that has a deeper meaning than can be expressed  by any single word.  Sejahtera taught us to learn, to live with nature, environment. Simple acronym to understand what is Sejahtera all about is " SPICES" . SPICES S - Spiritually balance. P - Physically balance. I - Intellectually balance. C - Culture. E - Ecology, Ethics, Economic. S - Society. There were a lot of programs about Sejahtera that held around our country and abroad. For example, "Kedah Sejahtera", "Wilayah Ceria, Rakyat Sejahtera" and a song which is "Sejahtera Malaysia". Our Rector, also had been brought the Sejahtera program to South Korea. His introduced and...

Topic 1 : Sustainable Development Goals.

 Bismillahirrahmanirahim... Assalamualaikum! Hello! Konnichiwa! 😇👋 My name is Tengku Muhammad Harith  from Section 31  and first year student of KOE IIUM.  I'm here my first ever blog to tell all of you about one of my uni subject which is UNGS 1201. This subject is about The Sustainble Development : Issues, Principles and Practices. My lecturer of this subject is Asst. Prof  'Atiah Abdullah Sidek from Kulliyyah of Engineering.  Reflection of SDG Sustainable Development is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“ and advocated integration of environmental considerations into all aspects of economic and development policy in order to meet this goal. From the meaning of SDG above we know that the main goal of Sustainable Development is to meet, find, explore the needs of today, without compromising the needs of tomorrow.  I learned that SDG is impo...