Topic 2 : Islam & Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development in Islam can be defined as, “ the balanced and simultaneous realization of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, attainment of social justice, and ecological balance in the framework of an evolutionary knowledge-based, socially interactive model defining the shuratic process ” (EcoMENA, 2019) Spiritually as A Fundamental of SDG This means the quality of being concerned with the human or soul as opposed to the material or physical things. Spiritually are related to sustainable development and actually have deep truths by which we are advised to live and which have the ability to guide and motivate us of being responsible. Being responsible for achieving the concept of sustainable development in Islam. The concept of SD in Islam based on 3 pillars ; 1. Economics Prohibit poverty as it's close to disbelief which is kufr. Based on sharing & caring in wealth distribution. 2. Environmental Manage the envi...